Trust Services
Establishing your financial legacy
You want to ensure your financial legacy is respected and carried on. At Troy Bank & Trust, your goals are our goals. When you speak to one of our advisors, we can help establish a thorough plan to address the needs you have for your trust and your estate.
We’ll take time to work with you to develop a plan that not only supports your financial security but takes care of the next generation as well. We’ll make sure that that plan reflects your commitment to special causes for decades to come.
Our advisors will work with your attorney or CPA to establish a plan that upholds your wishes and transfers assets to heirs as quickly as possible with the least amount of family conflict.
The emphasis is on “trust”
Offering investment-focused services, we’re ready to:
• Serve as a trustee of a trust established by a Will
• Act as trustee for revocable (living) and irrevocable trusts
• Administer life insurance trusts
• Act as a personal representative for estates
• Provide retirement services
• Oversee estate planning
Investment products provided are:
Not FDIC Insured
May Lose Value
No Bank Guarantee